Saturday, 7 November 2015


You don't geto film an incident like this everyday and this is so worth posting! I know that if my friend will find outhat I have posted this clip of her doing a cartwheel in space for sure I will be receiving a grenade delivered straighto my house. It may sound that I have no compunction of doing such conceited crime buto tell you honestly I am athe moment crying. My tears are storming for two reasons: first, I feel bad abouthis but a large quantity of my tears was shed because I am laughing so damn hard AGAIN. (I mean, who wouldn't?) I can't really forgeeverybody's expression  and reaction when this happened. Others shouted, half were worried but all of us laughed I love you Alms and you know that!

For the information of everybody, this was filmed in Mag-aso Falls in Antequera when we were doing the Legend of Osiris. 